face2face for Spanish Speakers Upper Intermediate Student?s Book Pack (Student?s Book with DVD-ROM a

ISBN: 9788483232545
This flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) is for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The new edition continues to provide specific help for Spanish speakers. The Student?s Book includes the Spanish Speakers Handbook with Audio CD, with content specifically designed for Spanish-speaking learners. The free DVD-ROM in the Student?s Book includes consolidation activities and electronic portfolio for learners to track their progress with customisable tests and grammar and vocabulary reference sections. face2face is informed by Cambridge English Corpus and its vocabulary syllabus has been mapped to the English Vocabulary Profile, meaning students learn the language they really need at each CEFR level. Recordings for the Listening exercises are found on the Class Audio CDs, available separately.
Disponibilidad: 2-4 días
Precio: Consultar