Fun Skills Level 1 Student?s Book and Home Booklet with Online Activities

ISBN: 9781108582148
Conoce a Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy y sus amigos, los personajes creados por niños de todas partes del mundo, que te guiarán y divertirán a través de este emocionante viaje a la vez que repasas para el examen siguiendo sus excelentes consejos. Checklist Buddy te ayudará en la autoevaluación y Think Big Giraffe conecta el aprendizaje con el mundo real. ¡Los temas aprendidos cobran vida a través de canciones, la sección Grammar fun, dibujos e ingeniosas fotos!El Home Booklet, incluido con el Student?s Book, ofrece práctica adicional para revisar lo aprendido en casa, divertidas actividades Fun Boost para compartir con la familia y entretenidas historias protagonizadas por nuestros personajes. El audio estará disponible para descargar desde la zona de Recursos.Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and their friends, the characters created by children from all over the world, who will guide and entertain you through this exciting journey while revising for the exam following their excellent advice. Checklist Buddy will help you with self-assessment and Think Big Giraffe connects learning with the real world. Learned topics are brought to life through songs, Grammar fun section, drawings and clever photos!The Home Booklet, included with the Student?s Book, offers extra practice to review what you learned at home, fun Fun Boost activities to share with the family, and entertaining stories starring our characters. The audio will be available to download from the Resources area.
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