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Practice Tests Plus PET 3 without Key and Multi-ROM/Audio CD Pack

ISBN: 9781292162997
Practice Tests Plus Practice Tests Plus familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers.Practice Tests Plus provide focused exam training to familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the Cambridge Exam test papers. Key features: 100% in line with current Cambridge exams requirements, including 2020 exam Exam overview provides detailed information about each paper Guidance activities increase awareness about what each part of the exam is testing and scaffold the students¿ experience Tip strips provide strategies and hints on where to look and what to look for when responding to a question Grammar bank provides language input, support and practice on some key structures for the level Speaking bank provides useful language and extra practice for each part of the speaking test Writing bank provides model answers, useful language and extra input to support the writing paper Speaking test video allows students to see how the speaking test is carried out Examiner feedback video aims to highlight strengths and areas for improvement About the exam video gives information for the exam
Disponibilidad: 2-4 días
Precio: Consultar
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