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Well Done!, 5 Educación Primaria. Activity book

ISBN: 9788498373059
Whatever digital resources and teaching model you work with, Well Done offers you the perfect solution. Well Done is the new Primary course that offers maximum support for the teacher and maximum motivation for your pupils. For teachers it provides “ready-to-use” materials for instant lessons you don't need to spend lots of valuable time preparing ahead of your classes. Everything you need is there ready for you to start using immediately - easy to follow and clear to you and to your pupils. Well Done offers:
 • Topic-based units which provide a clear context for language learning. The topics have been carefully selected to match children’s developing interests and understanding of the world, as well as to tie in with their learning in other subjects in the crosscurricular sections in each main unit.
• Motivating language work that is introduced through a story and a song, and practised in stories, enabling children to review all new language in the context of a clear and engaging context.
 • A wide range of different types of activities that are designed to draw on children’s natural love of stories, acting, songs and games.
• Digital and multimedia materials which have been developed to be easy to use and to help you get the full benefits of all the possibilities that new technology can give to the English classroom. The Active Book, the Active Teach for IWB and Online access will considerably enhance and enrich your classes. www.pearsonELT.es/welldone
Disponibilidad: 2-4 días
Precio: Consultar
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